We made them a maze out of toilet rolls and kitchen rolls...

<----- Horace and Hermes love to naw and shred pieces of cardboard
<------ We discovered that Hermes loves to be sung to! His favourite are whistling tunes but he likes anything with a tune. When he hears singing he stops whatever he's doing and stands on his hind legs to listen. We know he likes it because he is the more nervous of the two brothers and normally he runs around being a bit jumpy and scared....but when he hears singing he calms down.
4 pumpkin seeds:
They are really cute, I love the pic of Horance/ Hermes coming out of the toilet/kitchen roll. I love their big eyes, they are so jirdy. Sweet they like singing, do you sing to them or play them music.
I like that pic too and the one where he is lifting himself out of the tube. We only discovered that they like singing today when we were playing with them. Adrian started singing to Hermes and Hermes loved it so Adrian keeps singing and whistling to him it's so funny. Horace likes it but not as much as Hermes. I've got a bad throat so I can't sing to them at the mo! Haven't tried music yet.
I didn't notice the lifting one before as the pics are so small but I clicked and can see him heaving himself out - funny!
good to see that 'selling tape' is still busy. I admit it, they are really cute.
Interesting poll about what we use our blogs for. There are ways to get them read more, of course. As VC has pointed out, cakes in the title can help. And shopgirl* had a post about different methods. If that interests you.
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