Tuesday 11 March 2008

7 things that I am greatful for

Following on from what my sister's blog mentions - five things that you are greatful for - here are seven (7 because I can use the colours of the rainbow) of mine:

1.) Sky - my hilarious, ridiculous and friendly dog

2.) My parents and other family for supporting me when I need them

3.) The strange male that lives with me and makes me laugh every day and does all those little things that matter - like making me a drink every morning!

4.) That I am moving next week into my own place. I just can't wait to not have to share with messy housemates

5.) That I don't work in the horrible working environment of that bank I worked for for over a year (it is red and involves a squirrel - a clue)

6.) That I am not a chav and not one of those moron people that I have mentioned

7.) That I can enjoy computer games because so many girls don't which is a shame

1 pumpkin seeds:

Frankofile said...

Great list! Hmm I'll have to have a go now

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