I am quite fascinated by all things Egyptian: from the pyramids, statues and other artifacts to curses, pharaohs and multiple Gods. To me, it seems that the Egyptians led an almost magical life in that they believed in various deities such as Ra, the God of the Sun (see left image). Egyptians thought that he sailed across the sky each day in a boat, while carrying the sun on his head. He would then pass through the underworld in the night to reappear the next day. There seemed to be a God to serve every purpose; some Gods and Goddesses took part in creation, some controlled floods, some watched over people and protected them while others cared for people in the afterlife. There were even local Gods that connected themselves to towns or minor Gods that represented plants or animals. Like most religions, the Egyptians worshipped their Gods and thought that to keep the Gods content meant that their own lives could continue without threat. When people think of Egypt I expect that pyramids often come to mind first. I personally find it incredible that a civilization that lived nearly two thousand years ago could build such magnificent and colossal structures. Then again, their history did span over a period of an astounding three thousand years, so I guess they had a lot of time to develop their building processes! There just seems to be no architecture existing today that is as imaginative and frankly AWESOME as the pyramids were and still are. One last thing I will add about the Egyptians is their style of jewellery and use of colour in their art and their art in general such as wall paintings and hieroglyphics. Quite simply, I love all of it. I bring a touch of the egyptian style into my life to reflect my interest in the Egyptians but also because I love their use of colour and in particular blue and gold. I can often be seen wearing a small, egyptian Ankh necklace that my sister and her husband bought for me. I also have an egyptian cat necklace (see below) and a cat statue (see above right) given to me by my boyfriend's parents. I wear quite a lot of dangly gold and blue earrings and some of the clothes in my wardrobe are blue and brown (gold clothes might look a little garish in this day and age). On occasion, I even put my warpaint on in a typical egyptian eyeliner way. I define my eyes with black liquid eyeliner and then flick the outer ends of the lines upwards or in an extended straight line. So there you have it...a small insight into my appreciation of the egyptians.

3 pumpkin seeds:
Walk like an Egyptian...I like your blog and am glad that you often wear the ankh necklace that we got you.
I love the Egyptian civilization too! I am going to Egypt for the first time this summer. I have an ankh tattoo and I plan on getting the third eye shortly =)
~Peace and Blessings~
Oh I'm so jealous you are going to Egypt I've never been either! One day... That's cool you have a tat of the ankh
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