Meet my dog Sky. NOTHING is more important to me than Sky, she is my number one person in my life and so naturally, I find myself mentioning her first above anything else. Sky lives in France now because my parents had a crazy idea that England is grey and rainy and thought it might be more relaxing and sunny in France. As it turns out, of course, they were right and it is probably one of the best ideas they have had. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss having parents around but I know that they are happy so that makes it all worth it. You might have guessed already that obviously I miss no one more than Sky. In that way I may never forgive them for moving because now I miss giving Sky tummy rubs, watching her steal food from the kitchen, listening to her dreaming and snoring, stroking her velvet ears and watching her naughty but adorable personality. Oh and one more thing that I rent free at the parents house!
You know Sky is having a great time here. Right now just sitting in the sunshine, cuddling the remains of a dogfood packet she's just been allowed to lick out.
1 pumpkin seeds:
You know Sky is having a great time here. Right now just sitting in the sunshine, cuddling the remains of a dogfood packet she's just been allowed to lick out.
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