I admit that I am totally addicted to Starbucks. I know that it is a global chain company that wipes out all the smaller cafes and I know how ridiculously expensive the drinks are (believe me I know I spend a small fortune on the drinks there!) but I just seem to have no will power. One of my friends tuts and disapproves every time I go in to Starbucks because she hates them for taking over smaller businesses and being everywhere you go, which I understand. I mostly blame the whipped cream...yummy! I shouldn't even be eating any fatty things because I have familial hypercholesterolaemia which is a fancy name for hereditary-caused high cholesterol. I am supposed to be extra careful with what I eat because I have very high cholesterol for my age, but I just enjoy my food too much. My Mum has the condition too and she deals with it perfectly, she has so much will power! I'm trying to be good though. However, Starbucks is my one major downfall as I just can't get enough of their Iced Cafe Mocha (with whip of course) and I have 1-2 a week. It used to be 4-5 times a week so I've managed to cut down a little. Ha! The Java chip chocolate frappucino is delicious too. The only good thing about drinking Starbucks is that it replaces chocolate. I love chocolate and didn't think there was anything I could like more, but Iced Cafe Mocha's are scrumptious, so I've been eating less chocolate. I need a restraining order put on me though as it is simply disgraceful of me to be so addicted to Starbucks. Help!

3 pumpkin seeds:
My signature drink is *Cinnamon Dolce Latte* =)
Thanks for your comment Lady A. Glad you're on my side. You'll never guess what though, Cinnamon is one of the very few things I hate, it is my ultimate nemesis, I can't stand it, not even the smell! Hehe :-)
Mmmm yummy.... Try to go cold turkey, I can't even remember the last one I had, yet I love them as much as you. Also, you should get the mocha light frap instead.
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